Developing life skills so children can achieve meaningful independence and live a fuller life.
Teen Program
Throughout the United States, funding for early intervention services have continued to increase year over year from both governmental and commercial insurance sectors for children ages 2-7 years. Unfortunately, intervention services for adolescents are often left out, leaving millions of teenagers with behavioral differences across the country with little to no support for their diverse needs.
Peach Tree Pediatric Therapy Center is happy to announce the addition of our new Teen program. Our Teen program provides behavioral analytic services for individuals ages 10-19, targeting those nuanced and important skills needed to help navigate those often-challenging teenage years. More specifically, our Teen program is both an in-clinic and community-based program helping prepare individuals for a more sophisticated and complex social environment.

Your child may be a good fit for this program
if they have deficits in:
- Social communication (small group and large group)
- Use of electronic communication and devices
- Navigating friendships and family dynamics
- Sexual health and hygiene practices
- Organization and time management
- Advocacy skills and self-confidence
- Behavioral flexibility
- Pre-employment skills
- Activities of daily living and independence
- Navigating complex relationships
Navigating the Insurance Process
Is the Teen program covered by insurance? An effective approach to helping children with diverse abilities and autism thrive, ABA is the only therapy currently approved by health insurance providers. Peach Tree believes ABA should be available to everyone in need. We are here to help parents understand and navigate the insurance process.